Here’s How you Land your Next Opportunity
Our Services
We help our clients identify their strengths, weaknesses, aspirations and ambitions, to pave the way for an enlightened and effective job search.
The process is seamless from the career development phrase, resume writing, networking, interview preparation, to negotiations. We are here every step of the way guiding, thoughtfully addressing your questions and concerns so you are more confident for your next position.
Career Development and Strategies
We first start by helping your clear your mind and forget what you think you know. We evaluate your skills, talents, goals, and interests in order to create a personalized career development plan with a clear outline of what to do next.
Professional Writing
If you think your resume is boring, we are here to make it stand out with broaden descriptions, bright, active language and showcase how you become assets to previous employers.
Many of our clients come to us discouraged because they feel that they don’t know anyone important. We show them how to identify and tap into a larger pool of contacts they never knew they had.
“I learned how to respond to difficult questions during interviews. I have less anxiety about job preparation in general. Now, I feel more confident job searching and going into the interview process.”
— Peter S.
Interview Prep
We will review frequently asked and difficult to answer questions. We suggest ways to prepare for potential answer, and practice until you are comfortable. There is an additional focus on proper pre-interview, live, interview, and after-interview etiquette.
Job Negotiations
If you think your resume is boring, we are here to make it stand out with broaden descriptions, bright, active language and showcase how you become assets to previous employers.
Getting the Job
Once our client’s work with us, they leave having gained a new sense of excitement and confidence in their professional journey. They have the tools and resources needed to get the job they want.